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  • 2024-03-16 01:53:09|
  • 作者:网站小编|
  • 来源:飞速直播




在解释球队的目标时,埃杜表示,阿森纳希望赢得这场比赛,并进一步向前迈进。他强调球队每个人都为这个目标而努力工作,他们相信自己有能力在这个赛季创造辉煌。无论面对何种对手,球队都将全力以赴,奋力拼搏。谈到球员们的表现,埃杜对全队的努力和奉献表示由衷的敬意。他指出,每个球员都在训练和比赛中付出了极大的努力,他们之间的团结和配合也将是球队前进的关键。他相信球员们将继续发挥出色,为球队赢得胜利做出贡献。总的来说,阿森纳体育总监埃杜在接受采访时表现出对球队的信心和雄心。他相信球队目前正处在最佳状态,准备好迎接欧冠1/4决赛的挑战。带着对未来的憧憬和期待,阿森纳将全力以赴,争取取得更大的成功。Fans were thrilled to learn that Arsenal will be facing Bayern Munich in the quarterfinals of the Champions League. Following the draw, Arsenal's sporting director, Edu, gave an interview to the media.Discussing the team's current form, Edu expressed excitement about the players and the team's performance. He stated that they are currently in their best state, and they will continue to play in their current way to see how far they can go.Acknowledging the honor of reaching this stage of the Champions League, Edu recognized the presence of many top clubs and emphasized the need for maximum effort to keep the team in the competition. He anticipated a great atmosphere in both legs of the quarterfinal and reiterated the team's commitment to advancing to the next stage.When asked about their aspirations to go all the way and lift the trophy for the first time, Edu responded confidently, "Why not?" He cited the team's current form and momentum as the foundation for dreaming big, emphasizing that Arsenal belongs at the top with their club's stature and goals.Edu was optimistic about Arsenal's chances to overcome challenges and achieve success, highlighting the unity and dedication of the players. He commended the team for their efforts in training and matches, noting that their camaraderie and teamwork will be crucial for progress. He trusted the players to continue performing well and contributing to the team's victories.In conclusion, Arsenal's sporting director, Edu, exuded confidence and ambition for the team in his interview. With belief in their current form, Arsenal is ready to face the challenge of the Champions League quarterfinals. Looking ahead with anticipation and hope, Arsenal is determined to give their all and strive for greater success.

